Friday, 29 April 2016

Top 3 Ways To Make Money From A Blog

Top 3 Ways To Make Money From A Blog

You want to make money from your blog,then you will be happy to hear that it is not that much hard to do.

Now a days,it seems like just about everybody has a blog and each of them are trying to earn good revenue from their blog.
But remember one thing that if you want to earn money from your blog,then you will have to work hard to build traffic and content as currently I am doing.

Your goal should be to drive huge amount of traffic because only traffic can make your way to earn some money.

First thing you should know is,if you want to make money with your blog,then you will need more than one way to monetize it.

Here in this post I am going to show you some fast to start ways with a little effort to monetize your blog.

Top 3 Ways To Earn Money From a Blog

1.Advertising Networks

There are many advertising networks for bloggers to join.Once you get approved to from these advertising networks you will be able to show ads on your blog and you will earn some good money.

But as I said in starting that,to increase your revenue you should always try to  generate some decent traffic.The best three advertising networks in my view are:-

*.Google AdSense
*.Bing Contextual Ads

2.Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs is one of my favourite way to make money and I run a number of affiliate programs in blog.There are many companies that offer programs to enable you to sign up as a affiliate for them and earn money.

Some of the most popular companies that offers affiliate programs are:-

*.Amazon Associates
*.Commission Junction
*.eBay affiliates

3.Create your own product and offer some other services

Create your own product,such as training courses,e-book,or other product and sell them within your blog.Allowing customers to buy your product directly from your blog will grow your sales,business and income.

You can also earn some handsome revenue from your blog by offering some services.For example,if your blog is based on web development,then you can offer some services for others blog such as:-

*.Designing HTML templates for them
*.Providing some SEO tools

I hope this post helped you in understanding the basics of earning money through your blog.Now its your turn to make money from your blog.

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