25 YouTube Video Ideas to Earn from YouTube Partner Program
Who wants to be an instant celebrity or a sensation all around the world?
Well! I am not joking because it is very much possible after the advent of Internet.Yes anyone can be a celebrity at least on the Internet and become famous without the need of mainstream media.It really does not matter where you live in the world or what you do, you just need a camcorder or your mobile phone, record some videos and upload on the YouTube.
YouTube Partner Program will ensure that apart from being famous you also get to make good money. Therefore you can be famous as well as rich.It’s like your Dream Come True.
However, it is not that easy as it seems to be because you got to upload videos which have some meat in it so people can appreciate it.Upload just any kind of videos is not going to work with YouTube Partner program. Your videos must be funny or cute or serious or educative or entertaining. It must have something in it that you get lots of followers each day.
So to make it easy for you, I have listed 25 YouTube Video Ideas to make videos and upload on YouTube. The great thing about all these 25 ideas is you can pick up anyone of them and create a full channel on that particular idea.
25 Best YouTube Video Ideas
Let us see them one by one below. If you use even 1 video ideas & upload regular videos on that topic on Youtube, you can make great money.
1. Start with Recording Prank Videos
Although prank videos look very easy to record but they can be quite challenging.
How do you record a prank video?
If you are new blogger and cannot hit the street to record a prank video then you can start from your home or office. Like April fool day or scaring someone with the mask on etc.You can get ideas on YouTube but don’t copy them and put your own effort. You can easily upload a series of prank videos 3 to 4 times a week.
2. Make Videos Where You Sing Popular Songs in Your Weird Voice
You know about item numbers or rap videos. They are very popular on YouTube. What you can do is render a popular song in your own voice with a twist to it.You can be more creative and sing a song in weird or funny voice like in high pitch or breathy voice or in fast pace etc.Here you can upload video almost every day.
3. Create Sting Videos Exposing Public or Private Sector Corruption
Now if you are coming from developing world or for that matter even developed world, youcan record videos exposing corruption in publicas well as private sector.Suppose you want to make a driving license and the official there is asking for bribe then you can record it on hidden camera and upload on the YouTube.Similarly you can think of many suchideas and upload videos at least once every week.
4. Make Parody Videos About Your Girlfriend or Boyfriend
This is another good video idea for YouTube. Making parody videos are easier than prank videos. However the challenge would be competition because everyone is into making parody videos.Hence you got to stand out from the rest. The best ideas would be talking about your girlfriend or boyfriend, later on you can expand the topic and include things like movies, music, fashion etc.Make it unique and I am sure you can upload a video every day.
5. Ranting Videos About Current Hot Topics with a Lot of F Words
Rant videos are really great and people love it especially who do not like prank or parody videos on YouTube.You need a topic you can rant on, themore it is controversial the better it is. Here you don’t have to bother about political correctness or PC bullshit.You choose topic about politics, religion, sexuality etc. Just rant it for 10 to 15 minutes with a lot of F words in it. You should be able to upload at least couple of videos per week.6. Cute Baby and Animal VideosAgain like parody videos YouTube and Internet are full of cute baby videos or animal videos. Remember “Charlie Bit My Finger”.This is very easy to create video idea because you can start it right from your home. If you have pets or kids then recording such videos would not be a problem.However you need to keep in mind that quality of videos must be good, you just cannot upload any video.
7. Your Honest Reviews About the Last Movie You Watched
You could do a series of videos about review of films you have just watched. Your entire YouTube channel could be about movie reviews and upload videos every week after you have watched the movie.You have to give an honest review whether the movie was good or not. Use creativity if you want to make it popular, uploading a monotonous video wouldn’t get a lot of viewers.
8. Videos on Best Restaurants You Ate or Summer Shopping Spree
This is another great idea for YouTube if you love traveling going different places like restaurants and shopping malls etc.Here you don’t have to do anything special just you have to visit new places, eatery, shopping places etc and write a review or record a video about food, service etc.You must be an avid traveler so that you don’t have to spend anything extra.
9. Review Daily Groceries Products from Local Retail Store or Haul Videos
Haul Videos are nothing new on YouTube. They are simple and easy to create. You do your errands like buying groceries, products which areused in our daily life.You can take out a product like a jamor cooking oil or air freshener etc and review it, whether you like the product or not. Talk about different brands and be honest while giving reviews.That’s it, you can easily upload a video daily.
10. Video Tour of a Day In Your Life
You do a series of video about your daily life. You can upload a 10 minutes long video showing all that happened in your day. Like the daywas exciting or boring or really a badday, I mean capture all the emotional things.You can give different titles for different days in a week like for Monday think a name, similarly for Tuesday, Wednesday etc.
11. Videos about Your Living Room, Bed, Closet, Colors and Décor
Another great idea for those you love decorating their living room. You justhave to put it on YouTube so that everyone can see it.You can create videos about the colors of your living room, different kinds of bed or pillow design then what is in your wardrobe etc. I mean to say your room décor.Upload at least 3 videos every week.
12. Hair and Make Up Videos
This idea is only for women. If you love hair and makeup then you can upload videos whichare fun as well as informative.You show how to use eyeliner or mascara or a new hairdo for each day. Try to build your own brand because there are many YouTube channels out there and you need to stand out from the rest.
13. “How to” Tutorials on Educational Topics
One of the best videos are How To videos, basically tutorial videos teaching everything about a particular topic.For example if you know MS Excel then you can create How To videos about learning excel spreadsheet in just one week.People love tutorials videos on any topic like share market or high school maths etc. Here you need to take an extra effort to create quality videos whether it is PowerPoint presentation or other research work.Upload a video every day.14. Cooking Videos about New and Innovative RecipesAgain really great video ideas for ladies! You can start a channel dedicated to cookery and things related to it.Incorporate all kinds of recipes Italian, Thai, Chinese, Indian, Mediterranean etc. Try fusion recipes and experiment it, make yourshow livelier.Innovation is the key factor for beating competition.
15. Reviews Videos about Latest Mobile Phones
Everyone loves buying a tech gadget like cell phone, laptop, tablet etc, especially your Samsung or Apple Smartphone.You can create videos reviewing these gadgets especially the Smartphone. This is nothing new as YouTube has a lot of gadget reviewing channels.You can also have one but to get more visitors you need to create your own brand. Do something crazyor funny. Like even smashing a cell phone on the floor or ripping apart your old tablet.
16. Create FAQ Videos
FAQ videos could be great for you because I don’t see too many good FAQ videos on YouTube. You can easily createfunny FAQ videos with your friends in office or family member at home.If you want sensation then ask questions that are really controversial like sexuality or other things related to it. This will really help you to get more views. You can easily upload two to three videos a week.
17. Interview Videos with Your Friends, Co Workers or Family Members
Conducting interviews is quite similar to FAQ Videos. Only difference you need to understand is in interview videos you need to be more professional as compared to FAQ where you could be casual.Interview people not just in your office or home but on streets and ask them about their daily lives and hardships. You can easily create a whole channel on this topic.
18. Create Videos on Gaming
This is really good YouTube video idea for young high school kids who are into gaming. Gaming videos are very popular on YouTube only thing is that you need to beat the competition.Show your gaming skills and record videos with your friends about new games and their reviews. It would be fun and you make some money with it.
19. A Series of Challenge Videos
Well challenge videos are really popular on YouTube and I should have mentioned this on the top of this list. But I am doing here because challenge videos are difficult compared to say parody or prank videos.You have to take challenge like you will eat a bowl of chicken nuggets or drink a full bucket of Cola, or you are not going to sleep for next 7 days or you will watch the movie for continuously next 36 hours etc.If like it then you can upload at least one video per week.
20. Gym or Workout Videos Aka Health & Fitness Videos
Health and fitness videos, a challenge dedicated to gym and yoga. Create videos giving tips and new exercise. People love 6 pack abs and they want to do Yoga.Hence you can create entertaining health and fitness videos. Show new moves and incorporate music into your background, be different than others.
21. Weekly Time Lapse Videos
Time Lapse Videos are where you create a montage explaining what you did entire weekor a day. The videos are standard on YouTube you can watch any of those and get inspiration.Only thing you need to do is how to bring in something new to it. You caneasily create at least one video a week.
22. Film Yourself While Shopping, Dancing, Driving etc
This is like Big Brotheror Big Boss where youcan film yourself while you are doing things like going outside, dancing, driving or having fun with your pet.You can create a series of videos and upload every day easily. However videos must not be boring.
23. Create a Video in Public Interest like Showing Potholes, No Streetlights etc
This could be just like creating sting videos and exposing corruption in public life. Here insteadof doing a sting operation you can create videos showing the pathetic condition of public amenities like potholes, no streetlights, overcrowded buses or metros etc.You can also do videos spreading awareness about drug use, conduct interviews or FAQs. You can easily get ideas for creating at least couple of videos every week.
24. Videos in Response to Another Video
Creating a series of videos responding toanother YouTube videos, it means you create videos commenting on other YouTube celebrities.Your videos should tell how you like them or don’t like them. It must be honest and put others in their right place. You can easily upload 2 to 3 videos everyday as it is quite similar to ranting videos.
25. Series of Videos Showing your Inner Talent
The last idea very general as it does not tell anything in specific that you can do. You just haveto discover your inner talent and put it on the YouTube.Your talent could be anything from juggling to wheeling, from impersonating actors to rapping etc. Discover a talent and upload videos once a week.
So these were 25 bright YouTube video ideas to become a successful YouTube video partner.You can pick up anyone of these and create a whole channel on it. Choose one of the ideas according to your talent.I want to conclude by saying there are many video channel on YouTube but you will succeed only when you try to bring something new.Do not copy someone and build your own brand and that is the secret of being successful on YouTube. I wish you all the best for become an Internet celebrity.
Who wants to be an instant celebrity or a sensation all around the world?
Well! I am not joking because it is very much possible after the advent of Internet.Yes anyone can be a celebrity at least on the Internet and become famous without the need of mainstream media.It really does not matter where you live in the world or what you do, you just need a camcorder or your mobile phone, record some videos and upload on the YouTube.
YouTube Partner Program will ensure that apart from being famous you also get to make good money. Therefore you can be famous as well as rich.It’s like your Dream Come True.
However, it is not that easy as it seems to be because you got to upload videos which have some meat in it so people can appreciate it.Upload just any kind of videos is not going to work with YouTube Partner program. Your videos must be funny or cute or serious or educative or entertaining. It must have something in it that you get lots of followers each day.
So to make it easy for you, I have listed 25 YouTube Video Ideas to make videos and upload on YouTube. The great thing about all these 25 ideas is you can pick up anyone of them and create a full channel on that particular idea.
25 Best YouTube Video Ideas
Let us see them one by one below. If you use even 1 video ideas & upload regular videos on that topic on Youtube, you can make great money.
1. Start with Recording Prank Videos
Although prank videos look very easy to record but they can be quite challenging.
How do you record a prank video?
If you are new blogger and cannot hit the street to record a prank video then you can start from your home or office. Like April fool day or scaring someone with the mask on etc.You can get ideas on YouTube but don’t copy them and put your own effort. You can easily upload a series of prank videos 3 to 4 times a week.
2. Make Videos Where You Sing Popular Songs in Your Weird Voice
You know about item numbers or rap videos. They are very popular on YouTube. What you can do is render a popular song in your own voice with a twist to it.You can be more creative and sing a song in weird or funny voice like in high pitch or breathy voice or in fast pace etc.Here you can upload video almost every day.
3. Create Sting Videos Exposing Public or Private Sector Corruption
Now if you are coming from developing world or for that matter even developed world, youcan record videos exposing corruption in publicas well as private sector.Suppose you want to make a driving license and the official there is asking for bribe then you can record it on hidden camera and upload on the YouTube.Similarly you can think of many suchideas and upload videos at least once every week.
4. Make Parody Videos About Your Girlfriend or Boyfriend
This is another good video idea for YouTube. Making parody videos are easier than prank videos. However the challenge would be competition because everyone is into making parody videos.Hence you got to stand out from the rest. The best ideas would be talking about your girlfriend or boyfriend, later on you can expand the topic and include things like movies, music, fashion etc.Make it unique and I am sure you can upload a video every day.
5. Ranting Videos About Current Hot Topics with a Lot of F Words
Rant videos are really great and people love it especially who do not like prank or parody videos on YouTube.You need a topic you can rant on, themore it is controversial the better it is. Here you don’t have to bother about political correctness or PC bullshit.You choose topic about politics, religion, sexuality etc. Just rant it for 10 to 15 minutes with a lot of F words in it. You should be able to upload at least couple of videos per week.6. Cute Baby and Animal VideosAgain like parody videos YouTube and Internet are full of cute baby videos or animal videos. Remember “Charlie Bit My Finger”.This is very easy to create video idea because you can start it right from your home. If you have pets or kids then recording such videos would not be a problem.However you need to keep in mind that quality of videos must be good, you just cannot upload any video.
7. Your Honest Reviews About the Last Movie You Watched
You could do a series of videos about review of films you have just watched. Your entire YouTube channel could be about movie reviews and upload videos every week after you have watched the movie.You have to give an honest review whether the movie was good or not. Use creativity if you want to make it popular, uploading a monotonous video wouldn’t get a lot of viewers.
8. Videos on Best Restaurants You Ate or Summer Shopping Spree
This is another great idea for YouTube if you love traveling going different places like restaurants and shopping malls etc.Here you don’t have to do anything special just you have to visit new places, eatery, shopping places etc and write a review or record a video about food, service etc.You must be an avid traveler so that you don’t have to spend anything extra.
9. Review Daily Groceries Products from Local Retail Store or Haul Videos
Haul Videos are nothing new on YouTube. They are simple and easy to create. You do your errands like buying groceries, products which areused in our daily life.You can take out a product like a jamor cooking oil or air freshener etc and review it, whether you like the product or not. Talk about different brands and be honest while giving reviews.That’s it, you can easily upload a video daily.
10. Video Tour of a Day In Your Life
You do a series of video about your daily life. You can upload a 10 minutes long video showing all that happened in your day. Like the daywas exciting or boring or really a badday, I mean capture all the emotional things.You can give different titles for different days in a week like for Monday think a name, similarly for Tuesday, Wednesday etc.
11. Videos about Your Living Room, Bed, Closet, Colors and Décor
Another great idea for those you love decorating their living room. You justhave to put it on YouTube so that everyone can see it.You can create videos about the colors of your living room, different kinds of bed or pillow design then what is in your wardrobe etc. I mean to say your room décor.Upload at least 3 videos every week.
12. Hair and Make Up Videos
This idea is only for women. If you love hair and makeup then you can upload videos whichare fun as well as informative.You show how to use eyeliner or mascara or a new hairdo for each day. Try to build your own brand because there are many YouTube channels out there and you need to stand out from the rest.
13. “How to” Tutorials on Educational Topics
One of the best videos are How To videos, basically tutorial videos teaching everything about a particular topic.For example if you know MS Excel then you can create How To videos about learning excel spreadsheet in just one week.People love tutorials videos on any topic like share market or high school maths etc. Here you need to take an extra effort to create quality videos whether it is PowerPoint presentation or other research work.Upload a video every day.14. Cooking Videos about New and Innovative RecipesAgain really great video ideas for ladies! You can start a channel dedicated to cookery and things related to it.Incorporate all kinds of recipes Italian, Thai, Chinese, Indian, Mediterranean etc. Try fusion recipes and experiment it, make yourshow livelier.Innovation is the key factor for beating competition.
15. Reviews Videos about Latest Mobile Phones
Everyone loves buying a tech gadget like cell phone, laptop, tablet etc, especially your Samsung or Apple Smartphone.You can create videos reviewing these gadgets especially the Smartphone. This is nothing new as YouTube has a lot of gadget reviewing channels.You can also have one but to get more visitors you need to create your own brand. Do something crazyor funny. Like even smashing a cell phone on the floor or ripping apart your old tablet.
16. Create FAQ Videos
FAQ videos could be great for you because I don’t see too many good FAQ videos on YouTube. You can easily createfunny FAQ videos with your friends in office or family member at home.If you want sensation then ask questions that are really controversial like sexuality or other things related to it. This will really help you to get more views. You can easily upload two to three videos a week.
17. Interview Videos with Your Friends, Co Workers or Family Members
Conducting interviews is quite similar to FAQ Videos. Only difference you need to understand is in interview videos you need to be more professional as compared to FAQ where you could be casual.Interview people not just in your office or home but on streets and ask them about their daily lives and hardships. You can easily create a whole channel on this topic.
18. Create Videos on Gaming
This is really good YouTube video idea for young high school kids who are into gaming. Gaming videos are very popular on YouTube only thing is that you need to beat the competition.Show your gaming skills and record videos with your friends about new games and their reviews. It would be fun and you make some money with it.
19. A Series of Challenge Videos
Well challenge videos are really popular on YouTube and I should have mentioned this on the top of this list. But I am doing here because challenge videos are difficult compared to say parody or prank videos.You have to take challenge like you will eat a bowl of chicken nuggets or drink a full bucket of Cola, or you are not going to sleep for next 7 days or you will watch the movie for continuously next 36 hours etc.If like it then you can upload at least one video per week.
20. Gym or Workout Videos Aka Health & Fitness Videos
Health and fitness videos, a challenge dedicated to gym and yoga. Create videos giving tips and new exercise. People love 6 pack abs and they want to do Yoga.Hence you can create entertaining health and fitness videos. Show new moves and incorporate music into your background, be different than others.
21. Weekly Time Lapse Videos
Time Lapse Videos are where you create a montage explaining what you did entire weekor a day. The videos are standard on YouTube you can watch any of those and get inspiration.Only thing you need to do is how to bring in something new to it. You caneasily create at least one video a week.
22. Film Yourself While Shopping, Dancing, Driving etc
This is like Big Brotheror Big Boss where youcan film yourself while you are doing things like going outside, dancing, driving or having fun with your pet.You can create a series of videos and upload every day easily. However videos must not be boring.
23. Create a Video in Public Interest like Showing Potholes, No Streetlights etc
This could be just like creating sting videos and exposing corruption in public life. Here insteadof doing a sting operation you can create videos showing the pathetic condition of public amenities like potholes, no streetlights, overcrowded buses or metros etc.You can also do videos spreading awareness about drug use, conduct interviews or FAQs. You can easily get ideas for creating at least couple of videos every week.
24. Videos in Response to Another Video
Creating a series of videos responding toanother YouTube videos, it means you create videos commenting on other YouTube celebrities.Your videos should tell how you like them or don’t like them. It must be honest and put others in their right place. You can easily upload 2 to 3 videos everyday as it is quite similar to ranting videos.
25. Series of Videos Showing your Inner Talent
The last idea very general as it does not tell anything in specific that you can do. You just haveto discover your inner talent and put it on the YouTube.Your talent could be anything from juggling to wheeling, from impersonating actors to rapping etc. Discover a talent and upload videos once a week.
So these were 25 bright YouTube video ideas to become a successful YouTube video partner.You can pick up anyone of these and create a whole channel on it. Choose one of the ideas according to your talent.I want to conclude by saying there are many video channel on YouTube but you will succeed only when you try to bring something new.Do not copy someone and build your own brand and that is the secret of being successful on YouTube. I wish you all the best for become an Internet celebrity.
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