Anyone who wants to make money online must have come across ClickBank. If you do not know then let me tell you ClickBank is an affiliate network that pays you money in commission if you sell products to online customers who are looking for this. Many individual from India come to this site with a desire that they will make hell lot of money in a short period of time. We also call them affiliate marketers. Unfortunately their enthusiasm is short lived and all dreams come to an end when they don’t find click bank success.
So why does it happens?
Why affiliate marketers overestimated the Clickbank affiliate program?
In reality if you are an affiliate marketer from India you will really find it difficult to sell products and make money. Hence we must try to analyze those factors because of them Clickbank has not become a success in country like India.This is equally applicable to other Asian countries where Clickbank is not that much successful. It will really help you plan your career in affiliate marketing in a much better way so that you may avoid failures. Therefore let’s discuss them one by one.
E- Connectivity in India
The first and foremost reason why Clickbank is not a success is lack of E-connectivity in India. In India people who are connected to Internet is very less compared to countries like USA, Europe etc.This really makes a difference. If you have less people connected to the Internet then off course less people will come to know about your product or even anything that is going on the Internet.Quantity does matter here if more individuals are joining Internet daily then only it is going to make any difference.In china there are about 500 million internet users but in India the number is still very low. In fact not just Internet in china number of book readers are in million compared to India where they are few thousands.
Let’s hope that as India grows more and more people will be connected to the Internet and your opportunities may increase to make money with Clickbank.
Purchasing Power
Second impediment for affiliate marketers of Clickbank in India is purchasing power. Yes! As a matter of fact purchasing power of people here in India is too low. For your kind information per capita of this country is only $1400 which is very low. Huge population in this country really cannot afford to buy things online.They are not capable of swiping their credit cards because they do not even have a bank account. So purchasing power of people is really a big concern for any one who wants to make money with Clickbank.If you know per capita income of USA is about $48,000 hence affiliate marketers in that country can get a lot of customers who are ready to swipe their credit cards for some great products and it makes the Clickbank success there. Until people’s purchasing power increases in this country affiliate marketers have to wait for now.However on a good note things are improving in India.
Way of Life also adds to Clickbank success
Third most important factor to consider here is way of life of people in India. It may sound you how does way of life is related to Clickbank success. My dear there is a lot of connection.As any affiliate marketer of Clickbank knows that you make money through selling eBooks or software products. Basically these products are instantly downloadable.However in India still many people do not read ebooks. For any help or advice they go to their family members or friends.In one sense this good thing however lack of reading capabilities makes them less attracted to books online. In fact they do not know that many solutions to their problem can be easy solved by products which are available on Clickbank.For your information let me tell you in China a book is called best seller when sales are in millions but in India it becomes best seller when sales is only few thousands. Hence you can identify the big difference.
Lack of Affiliate Marketers Next factor that is not allowing affiliate marketers to become successful with Clickbank would be lack of very affiliate marketers who can reach out to needy audiences or people who are desperate for solutions of their problems.
Only few dare to promote Clickbank products here in India because they know there is no one who is going to buy products like eBooks and software programs in India. So many people who are online and want to buy eBooks have not enough knowledge about Clickbank.
Most of the affiliate marketers who are making money through Clickbank are from USA or other English speaking countries. Here in India affiliate marketers only promote campaigns like membership to certain dating site.They are not willing to sell hardcore products which may earn them anything between $30 to $100 per sale. Therefore for anybody to be successful in Clickbank in India must build a strong network of affiliates that can reach out to potential customers.Trust DeficitNext factor to consider here is trust deficit among Internet users in India.People do not trust that transactions are genuine and they believe some one is going to steal their money. This is the reason even if few individuals want to buy products but they do not.
However I do think there is a genuine reason behind this trend. It is actually cyber crime that is responsible for this trust deficit between affiliate marketers and their customers.In USA this is very less because thousands of people daily buy something online. So transparency is more compared to India. If customers show confidence in online shopping then only it is expected that Clickbank affiliates can make money here in India. Till then we can only hope for the best.Time Has Not Yet ComeLast but not the least reason I believe is that the time has not yet come. I hope in coming future, if India grows and its middle class expands we can have more people coming to Internet and buying thingsfrom website like eBay,Amazonor even Clickbank.Still India has to go far in terms of e-commerce. In future we can hope that affiliate marketers in India can get a better deal.Hence affiliates can wait for some time in meanwhile they must hone their writing skills because in the endyou have to persuade your customerto buy things. To sell a product to US customers as an affiliate marketer inIndia is very difficult job. Hence you must learn art of persuasion.Conclusion Finally in conclusion I would only sayknow why Clickbank is not a successin India. First reason would be lack of e-connectivity, second purchasingpower of the people, thirdly their wayof living, fourthly lack of affiliate marketers, fifth one is trust deficit among consumers and last would betime has not yet come. Hence beforeyou decide to start your career as an Affiliate marketer for Clickbank you must consider above mentioned factors.
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So why does it happens?
Why affiliate marketers overestimated the Clickbank affiliate program?
In reality if you are an affiliate marketer from India you will really find it difficult to sell products and make money. Hence we must try to analyze those factors because of them Clickbank has not become a success in country like India.This is equally applicable to other Asian countries where Clickbank is not that much successful. It will really help you plan your career in affiliate marketing in a much better way so that you may avoid failures. Therefore let’s discuss them one by one.
E- Connectivity in India
The first and foremost reason why Clickbank is not a success is lack of E-connectivity in India. In India people who are connected to Internet is very less compared to countries like USA, Europe etc.This really makes a difference. If you have less people connected to the Internet then off course less people will come to know about your product or even anything that is going on the Internet.Quantity does matter here if more individuals are joining Internet daily then only it is going to make any difference.In china there are about 500 million internet users but in India the number is still very low. In fact not just Internet in china number of book readers are in million compared to India where they are few thousands.
Let’s hope that as India grows more and more people will be connected to the Internet and your opportunities may increase to make money with Clickbank.
Purchasing Power
Second impediment for affiliate marketers of Clickbank in India is purchasing power. Yes! As a matter of fact purchasing power of people here in India is too low. For your kind information per capita of this country is only $1400 which is very low. Huge population in this country really cannot afford to buy things online.They are not capable of swiping their credit cards because they do not even have a bank account. So purchasing power of people is really a big concern for any one who wants to make money with Clickbank.If you know per capita income of USA is about $48,000 hence affiliate marketers in that country can get a lot of customers who are ready to swipe their credit cards for some great products and it makes the Clickbank success there. Until people’s purchasing power increases in this country affiliate marketers have to wait for now.However on a good note things are improving in India.
Way of Life also adds to Clickbank success
Third most important factor to consider here is way of life of people in India. It may sound you how does way of life is related to Clickbank success. My dear there is a lot of connection.As any affiliate marketer of Clickbank knows that you make money through selling eBooks or software products. Basically these products are instantly downloadable.However in India still many people do not read ebooks. For any help or advice they go to their family members or friends.In one sense this good thing however lack of reading capabilities makes them less attracted to books online. In fact they do not know that many solutions to their problem can be easy solved by products which are available on Clickbank.For your information let me tell you in China a book is called best seller when sales are in millions but in India it becomes best seller when sales is only few thousands. Hence you can identify the big difference.
Lack of Affiliate Marketers Next factor that is not allowing affiliate marketers to become successful with Clickbank would be lack of very affiliate marketers who can reach out to needy audiences or people who are desperate for solutions of their problems.
Only few dare to promote Clickbank products here in India because they know there is no one who is going to buy products like eBooks and software programs in India. So many people who are online and want to buy eBooks have not enough knowledge about Clickbank.
Most of the affiliate marketers who are making money through Clickbank are from USA or other English speaking countries. Here in India affiliate marketers only promote campaigns like membership to certain dating site.They are not willing to sell hardcore products which may earn them anything between $30 to $100 per sale. Therefore for anybody to be successful in Clickbank in India must build a strong network of affiliates that can reach out to potential customers.Trust DeficitNext factor to consider here is trust deficit among Internet users in India.People do not trust that transactions are genuine and they believe some one is going to steal their money. This is the reason even if few individuals want to buy products but they do not.
However I do think there is a genuine reason behind this trend. It is actually cyber crime that is responsible for this trust deficit between affiliate marketers and their customers.In USA this is very less because thousands of people daily buy something online. So transparency is more compared to India. If customers show confidence in online shopping then only it is expected that Clickbank affiliates can make money here in India. Till then we can only hope for the best.Time Has Not Yet ComeLast but not the least reason I believe is that the time has not yet come. I hope in coming future, if India grows and its middle class expands we can have more people coming to Internet and buying thingsfrom website like eBay,Amazonor even Clickbank.Still India has to go far in terms of e-commerce. In future we can hope that affiliate marketers in India can get a better deal.Hence affiliates can wait for some time in meanwhile they must hone their writing skills because in the endyou have to persuade your customerto buy things. To sell a product to US customers as an affiliate marketer inIndia is very difficult job. Hence you must learn art of persuasion.Conclusion Finally in conclusion I would only sayknow why Clickbank is not a successin India. First reason would be lack of e-connectivity, second purchasingpower of the people, thirdly their wayof living, fourthly lack of affiliate marketers, fifth one is trust deficit among consumers and last would betime has not yet come. Hence beforeyou decide to start your career as an Affiliate marketer for Clickbank you must consider above mentioned factors.
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